Sunday, May 4, 2014

Science In A Bag!

The fourth grade teachers in our building love science! Recently at a staff meeting, they showed us their
"Science in a bag/box" take home science experiments.  They create bags or boxes (depending on the materials) that contain an experiment that goes along with the science unit they are teaching.   The other second grade teacher and I decided to give it a try with our second graders on a smaller scale. Here is what we came up with.
We bought the bags at the dollar store and created a booklet for each bag. Each booklet has enough materials for 6 kids.  (We made 5 bags in all.)We will rotate the bags every three days.  The booklet includes a few directions and rules pages, a vocabulary page, short reading, two recording sheets, and a short questionnaire at the end for the parents.  This will help us determine what parts of these bags were successful and what parts we can improve.  We decided to have the experiment pages in the booklet so each student can see what the student before them did. This will also be a great guide for the families.
We send the first set of bags home tomorrow......hope they enjoy them!

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